nossa missão
Valorizar os conhecimentos alimentares tradicionais e renovar os laços perdidos entre produtores, os alimentos que cultivam, cozinheiros e consumidores.

The history of Instituto Maniva begins in 2002, but it was in 2007 that it formally became a Civil Social Organization of Public Interest (OSCIP). Our commitment is to create a bridge between family farmers, family and professional cooks and consumers, always valuing the local food culture and promoting conscious consumption.

There are many ways to help us improve the food quality of rural and urban societies and add value to agroecological family farmers and fishermen through gastronomy.
Instituto Maniva has been operating for 14 years through the exclusive support of people and foundations that believe in our work. For us to move forward, we count on those who believe in democratic access to quality and sustainable food.
If you're one of those people, contribute yourself too! It can be through donations of any value, partnerships and voluntary work collaborating in projects.